Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Love Orkut!

Why not? It provides me with so much entertainment!
Where else can you find shit like this?
wait for the boy who will do anything to be ur everything ;)

So i broadly classify samples into 2 categories:

Category#1 - Dumb Romance for no reason
This is my favorite category. These people have no clue what they are. Stupid, Dumb people.
"long drive.... soft music..... lot of candles many suprises............"
"wait for the boy who will do anything to be ur everything ;)"

These people are victims of television and movies - because they have been taught throughout their life (thanks to movies) that "there is someone special for you", "my dream guy/girl will come", etc.
Get your head examined.
How do you do it? Do you sit in your balcony waiting for that someone? And would he use a rope to get to your balcony and kneel down and kiss you ? lol! Craptastic! Unreal morons!
These people live in a parallel world that is all flowers, soft music, candles, and full of unrealism.

Category#2 - Got dumped
Now, these people have to ( for some reason ), show the world that they are in a bad phase and the weight of the whole world is on their shoulders. It is easy to spot such people. Just click blindly 5-10 times, and you will land on a profile which is in this state. You would typically see lines like:
"Pain isn't really that bad when its the only thing you've ever felt......"

Now we know that this dude was dumped. Way to go man!
"U think I'd crumble, U think I'd lay down n die..Oh no, not I.. I will survive, as long as i know how to luv, I know I will stay alive..."

Another looser, who wants to tell the world that she is in great pain. Dumbass. Infact, this person is trying to be extra smart. This is not even her own line (song). So, its ok to plagiarize.
etc etc
Amazing stupid people. Wish someone told them that " STFU, big deal, you are not romeo+juliet. Shit happens".

So remember - Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.

Next thing in my list - Testimonials. WTF?! I am amazed at how people write testimonials!
An orkut testimonial feels like a load of bullshit to keep good PR with people.
Not one place have I seen one which goes like this :
XYZ is a stupid, moron who cant do anything but change photos on orkut. He sucks at studies, smokes and drinks. He does not know what to do in life like most others, and thinks he looks good and knows "how to roll". I am tired of putting up with his crap and his bad attitude to things. He thinks he knows about movies just because he knows the names of a few directors. His music sucks just as him and he thinks Rap is music. Infact, he does not understand a single line of what he listens to. He is to complete wannabe and has no idea why he needs a $2000 laptop from Australia. He is a caste biased bastard and an ardent fan of ...etc
Most of the testimonials sound like epitaphs. Fuck!

Testimonials for girls
Girls get some testimonials from guys like :
At night,look at the sky,
If you see a falling Star,
Don“t wonder why,
just make a wish,
Trust me it will come true,
Bcoz i did it and

with some pictures / icons of hearts, birds, or other shit on it. Now, either that guy is gay or about 8 years old. And you are dumb enough to think "choooo chweet"?? Crap!
Girls, dont fall for such search-google-copy-paste stuff. There are a lot of dumbass morons out there on orkut.

On the whole, Orkut is *the* place to find some really stupid people.


chandu said...

hehe good one mate :P

Anonymous said...

What is ur orkut id ? Wonder what u have written about urself !!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey..stumbled on ur space "i-really-dont-remember-from-where"...was actually luking for a movie review other than Jeevi :)...liked ur blog...honestly...n ur style...but u seem 2 have problm with evrythin n nething arnd U :D...yeah..ppl do write testimonials...ppl seek pity n advertise dat dey r it....y do U want 2 look up deir profiles n waste ur time!!????n yeah...m a retard as well...y did i waste mine reading urs n waste even more commenting..!!! We humans r all fuckd up..jus more keen to peep into other's than bothering our own shit...!!

nothing personal...i actually njoyed reading this post btw :D
