Thursday, March 11, 2010

India's new Women's quota bill. Finally!

In a very welcoming and bold move, the Upper house passed the Women's quota bill. Almost unanimously. (186-1). The last time I read about the Rajya sabha, it used to have 250 members. Maybe there are 187 now. Anyway, this was a really awesome news.

Now, we can see more Women representing people in the State and National Legislature. How awesome is that. It took us 60+ years to truly realize that Women should be included in legislature also.

But I was disappointed by the quota's limit. Why only 33%? Aren't Women 50% by gender?
Unless.. 'Woman' is considered as a new ..wait for it.. caste? Oh snap! Thats it! Its a new caste! And I thought they were talking about the gender.

The caste needs you to (not limited to) :
  • Be a wife of an existing Politician
  • or be associated with an existing Politician
  • or come from a really rich family
  • or be rich (read Celebrities)
  • or be Infamous
or you could be a Woman with Integrity, having real aspirations to help our your community to your fullest, but *sigh*, they dont make them anymore.. (they dont make such men either). Besides, you dont qualify if you are this. Especially if you are educated.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good one! It's amazing to find how in'dependent women have become.