This guy is incredibly funny. No, really. I wrote about this guy sometime back. That post shows in close detail how he goes about writing a review. So again, here is another analysis post.
Last time i said that he knows a lot of trivia. I beg to differ. Even his trivia is screwed up. If you read his review about A history ofviolence [here], you will see this :
"..This film reminded me of the Telugu film Samarasimha Reddy..".
He could not find any other movie that he could compare to. He even had a choice of Basha, but no - he had to pick this one.
Okay, lets move on. He gives 'In pursuit of Happiness' an entertainment quotient of 30%. Ok, now I am confused. What exactly is 'Entertainment Quotient' ? So this guy, Jeevi, is not only gay but also a dumbass.
Lets see.. what else do we have..oh yeah - 300. Lets check this out :
The story of the film is about how Spartans fought to defend their freedom and democracy by using their territorial knowledge as the strength and employing various fighting strategiesMuhahahahahaaa. This guy is funny, is he not?
Ok, next is Apocalypto :
Just like any commercial film, this film too has protagonist running for days continuously, to escape from merchant, even while suffering from severe wounds.Now what do i tell you about this? He does not have an issue when a "Fat" Telugu 'hero' runs around with 2 bullets in his ass for half of the movie. But he has issues here. No issues if another "Short" & "Fat" 'hero' fights with a 100 people (like in the matrix). But he has issues here.
Ok some more from the same review :
I don’t care about Mel Gibson’s anti-Semitic statements and the complaints about excessive violence.Thats because he does not know what the anti-semitic means ! DUMBASS JEEVI! And compare the violence part of it with his review for 300 where he says:
The quotient of violence is pretty highA reviewer having different opinions about the same thing. Hmm...interesting.
Lets see - what else do we have - man i like doing this. Check this out from 'The Butterfly Effect'. He did not understand the movie. (the entertainment quotient of 10% explains that).
But check this out from his review :
It is a dark film. Hence the entertainment quotient is almost zero.Ooh okay, so thats what 'entertainment quotient' i get it.
So guys,
if dark:
'entertainment quotient' = low
if bright:
'entertainment quotient' = high
So now we get it! I have no words for Jeevi.
Ok, next lets see how little Jeevi reacts to Sex. Here is a snip from 'A History of Violence':
There are a couple of sex scenes in the film. The second one is totally irrelevant.OMG! Jeevi IS gay!
Again, Mr.Hypocrite think that was irrelevant. Fine. Please explain how relevant are various Soft-porn scenes in regular Telugu feature films. Its ok to see some actress with little or no clothes in a 'Family Entertainer' but a Sex scene in an English movie is irrelevant. CRAPTASTIC!.
So now you understand why I say Jeevi is gay? Cos he does not like Sex scenes!
Why do I do this? Here's why -
Jeevi, with some more effort, you will be just right to review some telugu movies. Not all movies. I can go on writing like this, but I dont want to waste my time. I already spent 5 minutes on this. But thats ok, cos I am in my bathroom...
1 comment:
Jeevi is only good for telugu movies..if you write about it is just waste of time..even if you are in bathroom..check ramblings by Srinvas Kanchibhotla from same website..
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