Wednesday, April 16, 2008

South Indian Police Movies

This is it. I can not take any of this shit anymore. I had a hard time trying to consider the way police officers are presented in Gharshana. Then it went to TV serials and now every police character. CRAP! It is so stupid - these guys who make movies DO NOT have access to NORMAL people. Hence, they obviously have no access to REAL officers / people.
Guys, if you are making a cop movie and need some help, go to the right people. Else, go see a veterinary doctor. Fcuk!

Anyway, here is a list of things cops are NOT / DONT do:
1. They do not wear tight shirts. (WTF!)
2. They do not carry the stick/hat with them, unless they are going to see their superiors ON a specific occasion. So if it was a daily routine and the officer has to goto his boss, he would wear casuals.
3. They do not carry 2x weapons. Infact, they dont carry weapons most of the time. (I'll come back to this)
4. Only in the first few months, they would be close to reality. After that, they get lost in the awe of hierarchy and grow big bellies.
5. Most of the beating is done by the CI/SI/Constables.
6. For those of you who have no clue, KNOW THE HIERARCHY FIRST.

There is a big list i can go on typing here, but i am amazed at the crap i get to see on screen. So, please, stop shitting around and put all the money to making a good movie.

AUDIENCE: Most of what you see on screen in regard to police or any other office/r is exaggerated or simply put, false. The guys who make these movies have no idea how a real offier's life is.

And yes, I have the authority to comment. I know more than them and maybe you too.


Anonymous said...

keep up the good work.....i liked the phone part...

Anonymous said...

Easy dude..check these from DIE HARD

KB said...

The post was not about the phone blooper

Anonymous said...

Man, seriously ?! You have lotsa free time